Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars is a series based on Alice in Wonderland. It is supposed to be the true story of Wonderland. Is is such a great concept. Really creative with elements that are entertaining and well-thought out. All the favorite characters appear: Alice, The Queen of Hearts, The Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat, although they may not be in the capacity you expect.

I finished the first novel and started the second, but I couldn't quite overcome the fatal flaw of being told the story instead of shown. I never felt like I entered the world of Alyss Hart and the Wonderlanders. I always felt like I was kept an arms distant length from characters that I truly would have liked to get to know. Unfortunately it didn't happen, so I couldn't bring myself to finish the book. Not when there are others out there calling my name.

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