B+ Dan Brown's most recent novel is a riveting thrill ride through our nation's capital.Professor Langdon is once again racing the clock to save a nation from exposure to ancient and modern evil. I couldn't put this book down; however, I found that it was simply a carbon copy of The Da Vince Code and Angels and Demons. Don't get me wrong, I love those novels as well, but after learning to expect the unexpected, I anticipate the conclusion of the novel in the middle. I refused to believe that I could have figured out Dan Brown's twist, but alas it was true. So I would have given the book an A-; however, he did take severe liberties with flourished language and lengthy prose. I could let this slide except for the fact that he had a CIA agent use the word penultimate. Really, Dan Brown? This is almost as offensive as having Professor Langdon survive a fatal fall from a helicopter in Angels and Demons. Would it have really hurt to have the CIA agent think "second to last" instead of penultimate? It is really great to know that you have an expansive vocabulary but anyone who uses the word penultimate is simply showing off, and for that you get a B+!
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